

时间:2024-05-11 09:33:36/人气:482 ℃




When I was a child, I saw the poetry conference and the strongest brain. My dream was to test Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Now I grow up, I am shaking my voice every day, watching people rush to the sea, immersing car washing and repairing donkey hooves. The biggest dream is to squeeze a cat's eye snail tiktok with my own hands.

Is this the adult world?




I used to think I could bear hardships. Many difficult things were endured by myself.

I thought people would grow stronger with age, but they didn't.

The more I grow up, the more bitter I can't eat. It's completely a state of letting heaven know that I admit defeat. When I encounter setbacks, I feel that I really can't do it and can't cheer up.


There were many wonderful ideas in my mind, but as I grew older, most of those interesting but useless ideas had gone to sleep, and the remaining ones were gradually homogenized. Finally, they all became like "how to get money".



Want to go back to your teens and tell yourself not to expect to grow up.

In my twenties, there were no flowers. There were many monsters with grinning teeth and dizziness at night.






I used to think adults were great, like my mother.

Obviously, many bad things have happened to her, but she is still very strong. She brought me up a little and gave me the best in my ability.

She quietly revolved around the world as if she wouldn't be tired.

When I grew up, I suddenly realized that it was not that I didn't want to cry bitterness, but that it was useless to shout.

When there is no help in the surrounding environment, you can only support yourself.



When I was a child, I was afraid that my classmates and friends around me thought I couldn't.

When I grow up, I turn the other way around. I'm afraid of being expected. I just want to be a waste material that doesn't compete with the world.




Sometimes I'm so stupid that I don't know how many losses I have to suffer in order to become smarter.

Every time I feel that I must not do this next time. I must avoid this pit. As a result, next time it changes a pattern and comes again.

People draw inferences from one instance and gain wisdom from one cut. I have to eat 9981 cuts to gain that wisdom.




When I was a child, I often imagined what I would look like when I grew up, and when I grew up, I always imagined my future life.

But every step, we will find that there is a huge gap between reality and imagination.

No one can be plain sailing, have expectations, is destined to be disappointed.





In our growth process, there are not many things we can really figure out.

On the way to find ourselves, we will have different living conditions, see a colorful world and meet all kinds of people.

Those things that can't be thought of may also have reasons why it can't be thought of.

There are few moments of wind and scenery in our life, but more long and plain forward.


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