

时间:2024-05-17 01:20:25/人气:465 ℃


Hetian jade is sandwiched in the rocks of Kunlun Mountains, which is 3500 meters above sea level. After a long period of natural geological movement and glacial movement, Hetian jade was disintegrated into blocks of different sizes. Hetian jade is rare now. The state has banned the mining of Hetian jade, which has been basically exhausted. Will be more and more rare, and Hetian jade also has a grade This collection has obvious chronological features. It is very rare because it is seriously colored and calcified


In Chinese traditional culture, dragon, Phoenix, tortoise, Kirin and Chen are generally called auspicious animals. Each of the five animals has different meanings, which carries the good sustenance in Chinese traditional thought. Therefore, it is often used in mansion, officialdom and some devices for exorcism and blessing.

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