

时间:2024-01-06 08:17:12/人气:405 ℃


Flemish Giant Rabbit:

The Majestic Giant of the Rabbit World


在迷人的兔子王国里,有一个品种因其令人印象深刻,因它的体型和温顺的天性脱颖而出,它就是“法兰德斯巨人”巨兔。它的名字可不是白叫的!这些壮硕的兔子体重甚至可达10 公斤,体长超过 60 厘米!它们拥有肌肉发达的身体、长长的耳朵和独特的短而浓密的皮毛,是世界上最著名、最受喜爱的兔子品种之一。英国有一只名叫Darius的法兰德斯巨兔创造了身长超过129 厘米、体重接近 23 公斤的吉尼斯世界纪录!


In the enchanting world of rabbits, one breed stands out for its impressive size and gentle nature - the Flemish Giant Rabbit. It is a breed that truly lives up to its name. These magnificent rabbits can reach an astonishing weight of up to 10 kilos and measure over 60 centimeters in length! With their muscular bodies, long ears, and distinctive short and dense fur, they are one of the world's most known and loved rabbit breeds. A Flemish giant named Darius from the United Kingdom set a world record of being over 129 centimeters and tipped the scales at almost 23 kilos.


法兰德斯巨兔起源于比利时的法兰德斯,最初是为了获取肉和皮毛。该品种的起源不太确切,据说是南美洲已经绝种的巴塔哥尼亚巨兔的后代。相比之下,同样起源于比利时和荷兰的道奇兔(Dutch Rabbit,也称荷兰兔,是中国最受欢迎的宠物兔品种)的体型要小得多。通过选育,法兰德斯巨兔逐渐发展出了惊人的体型,是烹饪肉和毛皮材料的抢手繁殖品种。在比利时,尤其是在法兰德斯地区,兔肉的烹饪方法多种多样,例如炖兔肉、兔肉配啤酒酱和梅子炖兔肉。

炖兔肉 Rabbit Stew


道奇兔 Dutch Rabbit

不过,法兰德斯巨兔的骨骼结构庞大,并且吃食量大、昂贵,因此现在人们饲养它们,更多是作为陪伴。法兰德斯巨兔也被称为“兔子之王”或”温柔的巨人“,尤其是与体型较小的家兔相比,它们更加安静温和。这些温顺的庞然大物因其温顺友好的天性而成为人们喜爱的宠物。它们的寿命长达 10 年,因此更受家庭欢迎。


Originating in Flanders, Belgium, the Flemish Giant Rabbit was initially bred for its meat and fur. The breed's exact origins are unclear, but it is believed to have descended from the Patagonian Giant Rabbit, a distinct breed from South America. The Dutch Rabbit, the most popular breed in China, also originating from Belgium and the Netherlands, is, in comparison, a much smaller breed. Through selective breeding, the Flemish Giant Rabbit gradually developed its impressive size. It has made itself a sought-after breed for culinary purposes and fur materials. In Belgium, especially in the Flemish region, rabbit dishes are prepared in various ways, such as rabbit stew, rabbit in beer sauce, and rabbit with prunes.

However, the Flemish Giant Rabbits have large bone structures and require an expensive diet, so nowadays, people raise them more for companionship. The Flemish Giant Rabbit, sometimes called "King of Rabbits" or "Gentle Giants," are known to be much calmer and gentler, especially compared to the smaller domestic rabbit. These gentle giants are loved as pets for their docile and friendly nature. They can live up to 10 years, which makes them more popular as a part of a family.

你知道在比利时有一个专门为法兰德斯巨兔饲养者成立的全国联合会吗?法兰德斯巨兔饲养者全国联合会由四位法兰德斯巨兔饲养者于 1915 年成立。他们举办全国性的兔展,鼓励饲养者让选育的兔子参加竞赛。要获得参赛资格,兔子必须是七种公认颜色(黑色、蓝色、黄褐色、浅灰色、钢灰色、沙色和白色)之一,并加入正确的比赛年龄组。


Do you know that there's a national federation just for Flemish giant rabbit breeders? The National Federation of Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders was founded in 1915 by four Flemish Giant rabbit breeders. They host national shows and encourage breeders to show off their bunnies. To be eligible to compete, the rabbit must be one of the seven recognized colours (black, blue, fawn, light grey, steel grey, sandy, and white) and be entered into the correct age class.


Our new Deputy Head of Mission Bart is a photographer as well, and he captured this cute moment. Can you tell whether it's a Flemish Giant or not?

©Bart Vodderie

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