

时间:2024-03-05 00:17:41/人气:179 ℃


How long have you been doing this brand now?你们现在这个品牌做多久了?because this is really quite a niche,因为这个真的挺小众的。At that time,nearly no dlothes of greyhound,当时国内能买到的小灵缇的衣服。My family have supply chain resources,At the beginning,I myself made a few Then it went really hot and popular,然后发现,火了。就很多留言就问我们说,可不可以定制,帮我们的狗做什么的。

Everyone thought we were specialized in sharp mouths,但大家都以为我们是专做尖尖嘴的。But in fact lour first three customers are 较好的,但其实我们前三个顾客都是大型犬,So our coats are divided into different types,所以我们的大衣都分版型。for hunting dogs with sharp beaks,有分猎犬就是尖尖嘴。arched backs,big chests and thinwaists,这种弓背的比较胸大腰细。and then the dogs with long backs,然后背长的狗。like Little greyhound, whippet,像小灵提惠比特。which is alittle smaller than greyhound,是偏体型偏小一点的大灵提。

Our 食欲 up,我们的猎犬版型。ordinary small and medium-sized dogs s,普通中小型犬。that you may be more familiar,就是大家可能比较常见。

Those hairy small dogs,毛茸茸小小只的狗,are basically less than 20kg,基本上是20斤以下的。We have an exclusive version,我们有一个专属的版型。and a large dog version,还有的是大型犬的版型。from around 40 kg to 70 kg,40斤穿到70斤左右。What is your main business?本身主业是做什么的。My main business is to sell make up,我主业是做彩妆的。my breathe is to make clothes,我副业是做人的服装。and my sidesideline is to make dog's clothes,副副业是做狗狗的。How much time do you spend,你大概要花多少时间?

在这个上面。For dog's from the idea,the design,狗狗是从想法、设计、跟单、生产。the order the 生意 and then to the sales,然后以及到销售这一块。are all my own responsibility,全部都是我自己负责。Where is your live broadcast?你直播是在哪里播?The live broadcast is 纯黑 in LRB and Tik Tok,直播是在小红书跟抖音都有。Why do you choose these two platforms,为什么会选择这两个平台。instead of e-commerce like Taobao?而不是像淘宝这种电商类的。

First of all,we did not open a Taobao store,我们唯一官方自营的一个店铺。

is in Tik Tok and Little Red Book,就是在抖音跟小红书。We opened Tik Tok first,and then LRB,我们是先开抖音小红书。just started in January this way,是今年1月份刚刚开始做的。and we still think that short videos have great 地气 and then for then LRB。而且我们是想要做到。the first pet clothing brand第一个宠物服饰品牌,to broadcast live on Tik Tok,to sell goods,在抖音上去直播去做带货的。hoping to run out of this model,就希望是把这个模式跑出来。你们小红书做的怎么样?

When we started to make this brand,开始做这个品牌。goods and customers were all from Little Red Book,货客都是从小红书来的。90%国内这一块At that time,we added customers to our WeChat torsell,当时加顾客到我们微信自己卖。So we have an official account,所以我们就派了个官方账号。From then on,从那个时候开始,all the styles in our 甜度 store,我们旗舰店所有的款式。from recommending to 使用税 to closing a deal,我们从种草到投放然后到成交。were all completed on the platform of Little Red Book,我们都是在小红书这个平台上完成的。

Did you spend money on this platform?你们这个平台上面花钱吗?It didn't cost much, thousands of yuan,花不多,千几块。It was very low,I think,很低了我觉得已经。

第一个,the money yi'm were Little Red Book or Tik Tok,上身的感觉是花钱的,是会想要在一条。the money will be spent on,finding a good content,发现了一条好的内容上面。we will push it, 检修 more,我们去给它加推,and reach more people,多曝光多触达一些人。In this way,we will make a deal,这样我们去做直播的时候。When you were making this clothing brand,你看你在做这个服饰品牌的时候,that you thought you had gone through?你觉得走过的一些弯路。The biggest de tour is to go,走过最大的弯路。to the Asian Pet 高脚ion,就是去了亚宠展。Not counting the cost of 跪下,不算人员成本。we spent fifty or 膝关节 thousand yuan to build the 装箱,而且我们真的没什么转化。This is our biggest de have n 挪 the destination,这是我们最大的弯路。Say,to do the 天工 男科,说要去干展会类型的。is to measure whether the investment is worth it,是要衡量一下这个投入是不是值得的。

whether it is the cost of man power,time and money,无论是人力时间金钱。There is a small brand to consider,成本上有一个小品牌需要考虑的。There are a lot of people doing this now,现在做这一块的挺多。Same style and price range,直接完全同风格同价位的。

我也知是没有。How much is your price?你们的价位大概是多少?The price of our thin spring and summer style,我们价位薄的春夏款。is about 200 to 300,大概是200多到300多之间。

我们的价格是很少去干这个事情的,对我们不干这个事情。I think in terms of the number of people,我觉得按人头来算,三四百个肯定有的。其实也就三四十万。

More than that,去年做了多少?Last year,we earned around fifty,or sixty hundred thousand,去年做了五六十差不多。For example,to help you do promotion,比如说帮你做推广的。such as overseas stores to get goods,都是宠物店来拿货。海外的一个模式。大家好,其实跟国内不太一样。

For example, why don't we do 势 in China?像国内基本上为什么我们不做线下?You have just asked,你刚刚有问到,是因为他们双方all returnable on cons 古道ment,都是寄售可退换,But to be honest, our unit price is here,但说实话我们客单价摆在这。and I don't want any of my customers to buy 我不希望我任何的顾客,a dress that someone else has worn 买到一件别人穿过的衣服。As a high-end brand 作为一个中高端的品牌,we are actually high-end dogs brand,我们其实算是狗类上面比较高端的。

but our pricing is not too 衬托,但我们定价没有到太夸张了。What do you want to do in the future What do or how big do you think the market will be your gf be?或者你觉得这个市场有多大做这一块?I think the pet market is big 我觉得宠物市场是大的,and it is growing every year 而且是每年都在增长。But compared to the cat market the dog market growth is limited 狗的市场增长是有限。price and design brand is actually not much 价位以及设计品牌其实不多。I am very worried that there will be direct competitors 很担心会有直接的竞争对手。because the supply chain is of our own 因为供应链我们自己的。First of all we don't have to worry about that 前置我们不用担心说,money goes to other factory 灯罩 会留在外面,and we control every part of quality 而且品控每一个环节,白度 by ourselves 我们自己去把控我们的采购。We can trace the source of 重去订面料。every link from g 取 g 至 滓 ,to our 屌丝 for g 个环节我是能溯源的。There was a customer who bought a dress before 之前有个顾客买了件衣服。Maybe there missed a Ko on its back 或许 the 晌 Are a 上冲 on its back for the 橙汁 I who was going to find 我就知道我去找谁。because I knew that the 包被 The 官司 who did the 本位craft,做手工那个人得要去完成的。Looking for someone else's OEM 我只能找工厂。I can only ask the factory does not know who to look for 工厂也不知道去找谁。That is which link goes wrong.我是能及时去指导发生什么事。And you can only do that if it's your own 而且这个只有是自己的你才能做到。

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