

时间:2023-10-07 14:07:07/人气:492 ℃


It was holiday time for Winnie the Witch and her black cat, Wilbur. ‘Where will we go this year, Wilbur?’ asked Winnie.

这是女巫温妮和她的黑猫威尔伯的假日时间。 “今年我们去哪里,威伯尔?”温妮问道。

She searched the internet and found a little island, with blue sea, golden sand, and coconut trees.


The bright blue sea was full of beautiful fish.


‘Don’t the fish look lovely, Wilbur?’ she said. ‘They look delicious,’ thought Wilbur. ‘That’s where we’ll go,’ said Winnie.

“威伯尔,这些鱼难道看起来一点都不可爱吗?”她问道。“他们看起来很好吃,”威尔伯想。 “这就是我们要去的地方,”温妮说。

She packed her suitcase, Wilbur jumped onto her shoulder, and they zoomed up into the sky.


At last, there was the island. It did look lovely.

最终他们到达了那个岛。 它看起来很漂亮。

They landed on the golden sand, and found a comfortable hut.


Winnie put on her flippers and her goggles, and dived into the water.


Wilbur climbed a coconut tree.


That was fun. Then he had a sleep. That was peaceful.

这太有趣了。 然后他睡着了。真是安静。

Winnie was having a lovely time. The sea was full of fish. There were dolphins, turtles, and coral.

温妮感到很开心。因为 大海里满是鱼。 有海豚,海龟和珊瑚。

It was so beautiful. Winnie wanted Wilbur to see it too.

它们是如此美丽。 温妮想要威尔伯也看到它们。

‘Wilbur,’ called Winnie, ‘Come and see the fish. You’ll love them!’

“威尔伯,”温妮喊道,“来看看鱼, 你会喜欢它们的!

Wilbur wanted to see the fish. He put one paw in the water.

威尔伯想看看鱼。 他把一只爪子放在水里。

Erk! Nasty! It was wet! ‘ Meeeeooow!’ cries Wilbur. He hated getting wet. Then Winnie had a wonderful idea.

天哪! 讨厌! 它是湿的! “喵喵!”威尔伯喊道。 他讨厌弄湿。 然后Winnie有一个奇妙的想法。

She waved her magic wand, shouted, ‘ABRACADABRA!’ and Wilbur was no longer a cat.


He was a cat- fish!


Wilbur the cat-fish dived into the waves and swam away.


Winnie watched him through her goggles.


He chased some tiny fish. Then he dived under a dogfish and played catch with a crayfish.

他追逐一些小鱼。 然后,他在一条狗鱼下潜逃,并捕捉小龙虾。

Wilbur the cat-fish was having so much fun, Winnie wanted to be a fish as well.


But she couldn’t be a fish.She had to hold her magic wand. What could she be?

但她不是一条鱼。她不得不抱着她的魔杖。 她能做什么呢?

Of course!


Winnie waved her wand, shouted, ABRACADABRA !


And she was an octopus! An octopus with orange and yellow legs, holding a magic wand!

她变成了一只章鱼! 有着橙黄相间的章鱼腿,拿着一根魔术棒!

It was fun being an octopus. Winnie the octopus waved her eight legs and floated through the seaweed, around the coral, over the rocks.

这是一只有趣的章鱼。 温妮章鱼挥舞着她的八条腿,漂浮在海藻,围绕在珊瑚边和在岩石上。

Wilbur the cat-fish darted around her. Thousands of fish swam with them. Tiny fish, big fish, and , suddenly…

威尔伯猫在她身边。 数千条鱼与他们一起游泳。 有小鱼,大鱼,突然...

A sea lion.


The lion flipped its tail, and Winnie lost her wand.


She grabbed at it, but missed.


A swordfish tried to spear it for her, but missed.


A jellyfish nearly caught it, but missed.


Down, down it sank, into the wreck of an old sailing ship, and disappeared.


‘Blithering broomsticks!’ wailed Winnie, but it sounded like, ‘Bubble, bubble, bubble,’ cried Wilbur.


They didn’t want to stay under the sea for ever. Where was the magic wand? Stuck in the anchor? No.

他们不想永远留在海底。 魔术棒在哪里? 困在锚上了吗? 没有。

Under the ropes? No. Behind the big crab? No. In the treasure chest? Yes!

在绳子下? 没有。大螃蟹下面?没有。 不会是在宝箱里? 有!

Wilbur flipped it out. Winnie grabbed it, waved it five times, shouted, ABRACADABRA!

威尔伯把它翻出来。 温妮抓住它,挥了五次,大喊,ABRACADABRA

And a witch and a cat floated back to the shore.


‘That was exciting, Wilbur,’ Winnie said. ‘Too exciting. We won’t do that again. But it is beautiful under the sea.’

“这真是太令人兴奋了,威尔伯,”温妮说。 “太令人兴奋了。 我们不会再这样做了。 在这美丽的海里。”

Then Winnie had another wonderful idea. A little yellow boat was bobbing on the waves. Winnie waved her magic wand, shouted, ABRACADABRA!

然后温妮有了另一个好主意。 一条小小的黄色小船在波浪上晃动。 温妮挥了她的魔杖,高呼,ABRACADABRA

Was a yellow submarine.


Winnie and Wilbur went on board. The fish swam up to the windows and looked in.

温妮和威伯尔上了船。 鱼游到窗户边,看着。

‘It is lovely under the sea, isn’t it, Wilbur,’ said Winnie. ‘It’s lovely and dry in here,’ Wilbur thought. ‘Purr, purr, purr,’ he said.

“海底真好看,不是吗?威尔伯,”温妮说。 “这里既漂亮又干燥,”威尔伯想着。 “咕噜咕噜,咕噜咕噜,咕噜咕噜,”他说。


searched the internet搜索网络

islandn. 岛;岛屿;安全岛;岛状物 adj. 岛的vt. 孤立;使成岛状

golden sand金色的沙子

coconut trees椰子树

deliciousadj. 美味的;可口的

suitcasen. [轻] 手提箱;衣箱

shouldern. 肩,肩膀;肩部vi. 用肩推挤,用肩顶vt. 肩负,承担

zoomedv. 缩放(zoom的过去式)

hutn. 小屋;临时营房vt. 使住在小屋中;驻扎vi. 住在小屋中;驻扎

peacefuladj. 和平的,爱好和平的;平静的

funn. 乐趣;玩笑;有趣的人或事adj. 供娱乐用的vi. 开玩笑

dolphinsn. [脊椎] 海豚;[水运] 系缆柱(dolphin的复数)

pawn. 爪子;手vt. 抓,扒;亲昵地抚摸vi. 用爪子抓;翻找

idean. 想法;主意;概念

magic wand魔杖

swamv. 游泳(swim的过去式)

dogfish n. 狗鲨;[脊椎] 巨头鲸;角鲨鱼

crayfish n. 小龙虾

sea lion n. [脊椎] 海狮

excitingadj. 令人兴奋的;使人激动的v. 激动;刺激(excite的ing形式);唤起

submarine n. 潜水艇;海底生物adj. 海底的;水下的vt. 用潜水艇攻击



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