

时间:2024-03-16 15:44:20/人气:284 ℃

猎狗与野兔(Hounds and rabbits)



The hound caught a hare, bit him, licked his lips, and kept teasing him. The hare tried to resist and said to the hound, "Hey, you guy, please don't bite and kiss. I can't judge whether you are my enemy or friend“

Moral: suitable for people with ambiguous attitude.

狗与屠夫(Dog and butcher)



The dog slipped into the butcher's shop and stole a pig's heart while the butcher was busy. The butcher looked back and saw the dog running away. He said, "Hey, you beast, remember clearly. No matter where you go in the future, I will be careful. You stole one of my pig hearts and gave me the other."

Moral: disasters often become people's knowledge, that is to say, one cut, one gain.

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