

时间:2024-01-21 16:46:42/人气:395 ℃


顺带讲讲:很多词都是—ed结尾,实际上是动词的过去分词形容词使用,比如“annoyed" 就是从动词"annoy"变形而来,表示 ”被...激怒“。所以描述人的情绪时,形容词是加——ed结尾的。以后有机会和大家细讲这个点。

1. Blow a fuse: 生气到爆发,类似于中文的“发飙”。

When she found out that he had lost her favorite book, she blew a fuse.

2. Go ballistic: 非常生气,类似于中文的“发狂”。

He went ballistic when he found out that someone had scratched his new car.

3. See red: 非常生气

I could see that she was seeing red when she heard the news.

4. Hit the roof:非常生气,类似于中文的“火冒三丈”。

When he found out that his son had failed the exam, he hit the roof.

5. Be up in arms: 非常生气,类似于中文的“义愤填膺”。

The citizens were up in arms when they heard that the government was going to raise taxes.

6. Have a fit: 非常生气,类似于中文的“大发雷霆”。

She had a fit when she saw that someone had eaten the last piece of cake.

7. Be hopping mad: 非常生气,类似于中文的“怒气冲冲”。

He was hopping mad when he found out that his boss had given the promotion to someone else.

8. Be beside oneself with anger: 非常生气,类似于中文的“怒不可遏”。

She was beside herself with anger when she heard that her ex-boyfriend had cheated on her.

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